Pickup and Drop-off Procedures
Morning Drop-off Car Line Procedure
Students may begin arriving on campus at 8:00 am. At that time, all PYP students will be directed to food carts inside Gate 2 while all MYP students report to the cafeteria for breakfast.
For the morning car line, cars may enter the car line from either direction on Manhattan Ave; please take turns letting in one car from each direction. Once you reach a spot with a cone, your student(s) may exit the vehicle on the passenger side. There is typically a student safety patrol helping open and close vehicle doors.
At 8:15 am, K-8 teachers will open classrooms to receive students.
Students will be allowed to eat breakfast in the cafeteria until 8:27 am. At 8:30 am the school day begins. Students who arrive after 8:30 am will need to be signed in at the main office by a parent or caregiver.
Afternoon Dismissal
Car Rider Line:
Download the "Pikmykid" app on your phone and watch the instructions here to register in the Pikmykid parent app. Please announce your arrival each afternoon through the app when arriving for dismissal.
Car tags must be hanging on the rear-view mirror and visible when traveling through the car line. The car rider line is located at the North entrance of the building off of Manhattan Ave. Traffic flows southbound on Manhattan Avenue. Parents enter the exit end of the faculty parking lot and loop around toward the front of the school. Students will enter on the right/passenger side of each vehicle. The cars will be released after all students in the line are securely in their cars. Please follow the directive of school personnel as to exiting the car line. We ask parents to stay in their cars during the dismissal process.
Cars can ONLY enter the afternoon carline from the north, heading southbound on Manhattan Ave (see green arrows in the map above). No cars can enter the afternoon carline from any side streets or south of the school (see red arrows and red X marks in the map above).
As dismissal time nears, the car line will be backed up from the school parking lot onto Manhattan Ave and likely onto Boy Scout Blvd. If the line is already onto Boy Scout Blvd when you arrive, please get in the back (which may require you to make a U-turn on Boy Scout Blvd).
DO NOT block the intersection of Manhattan Ave and Boy Scout Blvd.
DO NOT block the fire station entrance at the northeast corner of Manhattan Ave and Boy Scout Blvd.
DO NOT CUT in line from a side street — be kind and considerate of other parents’ time! All of our time is valuable, and if parents choose to arrive early to get a good spot in the line, be respectful and do not cut in front of them.
Please watch the video below from the school administration for additional tips.
Jefferson Park and Ride: Spaces in the Jefferson Parking lot are available on a first-come, first-served basis at the beginning of the school year and for purchase through the Roland Park Foundation. Students registered for Jefferson Park and Ride will be dismissed from the South gate. Enter the Jefferson parking lot at the Southernmost entrance and exit through the North entrance.
Walker: Students designated are then escorted by the crossing guard across Manhatten Ave and then released. If you are picking up your student who has been released as a walker, do not park in the neighborhood; patrols will be out, and tickets will be issued. You may park in the grass median running from Cypress to Arch St.
Additional Dismissal Options
After-school Enrichment Clubs are available year-round. Students participating in onsite after-school program activities report to the cafeteria for sign-in. Register here
Bus transportation is available to all Roland Park students. Bus riders board their buses daily in front of the office and then ride to a transfer station. For more information about buses, contact the front office.
HOST: The school district runs the HOST program at Roland Park, providing care before and after school, on non-school days, and throughout the summer. HOST is a fee-based program - click here for more information.
Loretta Ingram Dismissal: The City of Tampa Parks and Rec department offers free after-school care at Loretta Ingram Recreation Center. Program providers walk students in this program to Loretta Ingram from Roland Park daily.
Named Parking Spots: Four named parking spots are auctioned off during the Roland Park Dragon Fire Ball Fundraiser each year. These parking spots are in the teacher's parking lot, located east of the playground. Students are released as walkers to families choosing to use these parking spots for pickup.
After-School Care Provider Pickup: Several after-school care providers offer pickup from Roland Park. Students enrolled in these programs board vans that pick up in the loop in front of the main office.
Volunteer of the Month Parking Spot: The Roland Park volunteer who logs the most hours each month gets the honor of parking in the coveted Volunteer of the Month spot. During this month, students can be dismissed as walkers and picked up next to the volunteer of the month spot.