Special Events, Incentives, and Community Opportunities
This guide quickly looks at many of Roland Park's annual special events and community activities. As you can see, a lot is going on!
6th Grade Bridge Camp. Sixth-grade summer bridge is a one-day camp that allows rising sixth-grade students to get a sneak peek of the middle school program. The purpose is to support rising 6th grade student’s successful acclimation into the middle school environment. (Open to all 6th-grade students and new 7th and 8th-grade students.)
5th and 8th Grade End-of-Year Dances. These end-of-year celebrations commemorate our student's important milestones as they move along their educational journey. Volunteers are needed each year to plan these celebrations. Please be sure to look for communications to join the planning committee.
5th Grade Clap Up. Held after the end-of-year 5th-grade dance, the entire school takes to the halls to clap our 5th-graders up the stairs on their way to middle school.
8th Clap Out. 8th graders' last day at Roland is an emotional and momentous one. Alumni seniors return along with the rest of Roland Park students, families, and staff members to clap our Dragon graduates on to their next adventure.
Boo Hoo Breakfast. Held in the media center on the first day of school. Walk your student to their classroom, then join the PTSA, Roland Park Foundation, and Administration for coffee and information about the upcoming school year.
Black History Month Showcase. An annual event all RP students attend, held one morning in February, featuring performances from RP students, the Blake High School Dance Team, and the Blake High School Gospel Choir. Parents are welcome to attend this not-to-be-missed event!
Book Fair. Two Scholastic Book Fairs are held each year in the Fall and Spring. Students and caregivers are invited to visit the media center to shop at this week's book fair. Don't forget to bring a dollar to participate in the Lolly Pop Pull, a student favorite.
Book-O-Ween. An annual event held the morning of Halloween (or the closest school day to Halloween) where PYP students dress up as a character from a favorite book. Students walk in a parade around the school campus and parents are invited to watch!
Conference Nights. Three conference nights are held throughout the year. On these nights, caregivers can schedule a time to sit-down with teachers and discuss student progress. Teachers are always available to discuss concerns, you do not need to wait until conference night to schedule a conference with you students teacher.
Community Celebrations. Three conference nights are held throughout the year. On these nights, caregivers can schedule a time to sit-down with teachers and discuss student progress. Teachers are always available to discuss concerns, you do not need to wait until conference night to schedule a conference with you students teacher.
December to Remember (D2R). One of two of our annual teacher and staff appreciation events. Led by PTSA volunteers, we all come together for two weeks in December to show our gratitude! Daily events include school-wide thank you note collection, staff meals, coffee carts, and a gift exchange.
Dragon Cards. Middle school students receive dragon cards quarterly. These cards are given baed on grades and conduct and are redeemable to lunchtime rewards.
Dragon Donor Campaign. An annual fundraiser is held in August and September, inviting families and local businesses to support Roland Park. Funds raised during the Dragon Donor drive pay for teacher training, scholarships, and other school projects.
Dragon Fire Ball. An annual fundraiser event for parents typically takes place one evening in February, organized by the Roland Park Foundation, to raise funds for large projects at the school. Past projects funded have included an outdoor covered court, outdoor learning spaces, media center updates, and robotics labs.
End-of-Year Awards Ceremonies. Each grade hosts an end-of-year awards ceremony to celebrate accomplishments and contributions of students throughout the year.
Evening of IB. An annual event held after school that showcases Related Arts programs (Art, Music, Spanish, and Physical Education), including student performances, displays of student art, and interactive activities throughout the school
Fun Run and Middle School Color Run. An annual fundraiser event held in September and October. Students raise money for the school and win prizes, culminating in a Fun Run event for students that takes place during school one day in October. School administration directs funds raised to school needs like updating technology, IB teacher training, educational software, textbooks, student planners, and custodial needs.
Grandparents Breakfast. Our annual Grandparent's Day Breakfast is held in September. All Roland Park caregivers are invited to join their student(s) in the MPR for breakfast. RSVP is required to attend this event.
Great American Teach-in. Held in November, the Great American Teach-In allows parents and community members to come in and speak with students about their occupations, hobbies, or areas of interest. Although the Great American Teach-in focuses on giving students information on various careers, we encourage volunteers to speak about hobbies and areas of interest, organize an activity, read a story, or teach a class.
Golden Spork Award. PYP students receive the Golden Spork for demonstrating good citizenship during lunch. This is one of the many positive behavior program incentives the school uses to help recognize students demonstrating IB values.
Hispanic Heritage Month. Roland Park students participate in various activities during September and October, honoring the Hispanic community's contributions and influence on American History.
Holidays Around the World. Classrooms research and create activities to showcase how different cultures celebrate worldwide.
International Bazaar. An annual event held after school that showcases countries and cultures from around the world. Each class chooses a country and creates a table/booth that typically includes a display board about the country and may include food, clothing, music, crafts, etc., from that country. Tables are set up all along the sidewalks in the courtyard for you to visit at your leisure, there are usually student performances, and students can get their “passports” stamped at each country!
Internationally Minded Student of the Month. Each month, each PYP classroom and MYP homeroom votes for the one student in their class that they believe best exemplifies that month’s IB characteristic.
Kids Heart Challenge. PYP students participate in the American Heart Associate Kids Heart Challenge each February. During the challenge, students learn about staying strong in body and mind while helping their community.
Kindergarten Camp. Kinder Welcome Camp is an opportunity to help our incoming students begin to acclimate to the school classroom routines and give them a chance to get to know other students and teachers.
Meet the Teacher. Get ready for back-to-school at Meet the Teacher. Get acquainted with your student's schedule and visit the gym to meet enrichment providers, purchase spirit shirts, and browse the free uniform closet.
Middle School Dances. Evening dances for middle school students are held in November and February.
Parent-led Community Celebrations. Parents are invited to share their cultural celebrations with the Roland Park community throughout the year. In the past, we've hosted Hanukah celebrations, Ramadan stations, a Diwali festival, a Holi celebration, and a Lunar New Year Parade. Please share your ideas on how to share your traditions with our school!
Parents Night Out. Special evening events are held throughout the year. Students are dropped off for a fun night at the school. allow Roland Park students and staff to raise funds for their service trips.
Peace Day Celebration. An annual event held one day in September during the school day in the gym that includes student performances – songs, dances, poetry, etc. – parents are invited to attend. All students will receive a Peace Day shirt that can be worn on spirit days.
Roland Park Talent Show. This student showcase features singing, dancing, comedy routines, and more. Students are invited to audition and showcase their talents to the school.
School Beautification Day. Roll up your sleeves and come out to get Roland Park ready for students. School Beautification Day is held each August!
School Club Camps. School Club Camps are held four times yearly during the breaks in our After School Enrichment Schedule. These weeks allow Roland Park students and staff to raise funds for their service trips. Students can attend all or one day of the after-school camp.
Seasons of Giving. With the help of the Roland Park social worker, the PTSA runs a fall, winter, spring, and summer Seasons of Giving campaign. Details on how to show your support to our community each season are shared through PTSA communications.
Service Learning Trip. 5th-8th grade students can participate in both domestic and international service trips. These trips typically happen in June.
Spirit Days. Students can wear a Roland Park Spirit Shirt every Friday, including club and Peace Day shirts. Monthly spirit days will also be when students can wear shirts from their favorite sports team, college, or other themes. Uniform bottoms are required on spirit days. Review the dress code here.
Spirit Nights. Roland Park is all about community. The PTSA and Dads' Club hosts several off-campus spirit nights throughout the year. These events are an opportunity to get to know one another. Look out for Spirit Night announcements throughout the year - some of our favorites are Skate Night, Trampoline Night, and Top Golf Takeover.
Student Initiated IB Projects. Students can propose grade-level and community IB projects to the administration and teachers throughout the year. These projects are student-led and community-supported. Past projects have included a Thanksgiving food drive, Ramadan food drive, Community Garden upgrades, Christmas gift drive, Israel Sneaker Drive, Maui Relief Coin Drive, and JM Cares Cars and Crafts fundraiser.
PYP Violin Recitals. Held twice a year in November and April, Roland Park violin teacher Mr. Vans Evers invites families to come to hear their children play. These recitals happen during the school day.
Veterans Breakfast. We honor Roland Park Dragon Family Military Veterans each year by asking them to join us for a free appreciation breakfast. We invite those who are currently serving or have served to attend.