Need your event added to the calendar or Weekly Dragon Blast? Fill out the communications request form here.
Dragon Weekly. The PTSA emails this newsletter to parents on Sundays. It features upcoming events, needed volunteers, and other information.
Calendar. The PTSA maintains an online calendar. Sync it to your phone or calendar app to stay up-to-date on important dates and events.
Event Manager. This is an online spreadsheet of school dates and events.
PYP Weekly Teacher Emails. PYP teachers email you weekly to update you on what is happening in the classroom. Ensure you get these important communications and inform your teacher if you are not receiving them.
Canvas. MYP teachers post grades and announcements to Canvas. You can download the Canvas app to your phone or set up notification preferences in the online portal. More information on connecting to Canvas is here.
Roland Park Press. This monthly newsletter from our school’s administrators is emailed to all Roland Park caregivers. It includes a message from the principal, important dates, and helpful information and resources from the guidance counselors and other admins.
School Texts. Our school administrators regularly send parents reminders and other quick info via text messages to their mobile phones. If you are not receiving these weekly texts, contact the front office.
Peachjar. The school district uses Peachjar to send out digital flyers (via email) relevant to our school’s students. This includes info about community resources (health fairs, free clinics, etc.), reading challenges, social-emotional learning, parent information sessions, etc. All RP Peachjar flyers can be viewed here.
Social Media.
Roland Park PTSA Facebook page. This page is updated by the Roland Park PTSA.
Roland Park Foundation Facebook page = This page is updated by members of the Roland Park Foundation with important information about fundraising and the projects it supports.
Roland Park Parents K-8 IB World School private Facebook group. Helpful group to join to get information and ask questions of other RP parents.
Grade-level Facebook groups. Some entering kindergarten classes have created their own private Facebook groups that go up in grade level each year (e.g., the 2020-21 Kindergarteners group changes its name the following year to the 2021- 22 First Graders group) so all the parents and students can stay connected on grade-specific matters.