School Dress Code Policy
Roland Park Magnet has a mandatory school uniform policy for all our students.
This policy was instituted based on research showing improvement in discipline, time on task, decreased tardies, and overall improvement in respect for oneself and others. It also has served as a safety measure in quickly identifying a Roland Park student.
The mandatory student uniform consists of the following:
Solid navy or khaki bottoms. (Shorts, long pants, skirt, or jumper).
Leggings may only be worn under skirts, shorts, or dresses.
Pants must have front and back pockets.
Shorts, skirts, and dresses shall be no shorter than fingertip length.
No sweatpants, jeans, joggers, or athletic wear.
All pants and shorts shall be secured at the waist.
Solid red, white, or navy-blue top with a collar.
Head coverings shall not be worn in the building unless required for religious observance or health-related reasons.
Shoes shall be worn and securely fastened to the feet and have a low heel height. Footwear must be suitable for outdoor physical education classes (No flip flops, slides, or crocs).
Garments and/or jewelry that display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, gang, weapons, alcohol-related wording or graphics, or which provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in the school shall not be worn.
Spirit days:
Students can wear school-sponsored spirit T-shirts on Fridays or specially designated days.
The first Friday of each month is college t-shirt spirit day. Students can wear a college T-shirt and uniform bottoms.
Spirit dress-up day is the second Friday of each month. Themes vary and can be viewed on the calendar.
Other exceptions to the dress code shall be permitted when:
An announcement is made by the school due to weather or a school-sponsored spirit day.
A student wears a uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or JROTC on regular meeting days.
A student’s doctor sends a script to the school nurse stating that the student must alter clothing or shoes for a medical reason (for a fixed amount of time). Assistive devices like crutches may not be utilized at school without a doctor’s note.
Compliance measures:
The school will use positive reinforcement measures to encourage full compliance with the uniform policy.
Financial hardships:
No student shall be denied attendance at school nor otherwise penalized for failure to wear clothing that complies with the uniform policy if such failure is due to financial hardship. Procedures have been established to assist families in need through our PTSA and school Social Worker. A clothing closet is also available, providing free uniform clothing to all students.
Emblemed Apparel
Collared shirts with the IB/School emblem can be ordered through Lands End here with Preferred School Number: 900168527. Shirts with IB/School emblem are NOT required.